A Week Closer To Adventure

This week has been a busy one. We have been making steps towards our next adventure for a while but this week we really worked our buns off and made some adult decisions about a few things.

First off I will be posting The Snuggles Diary on Wednesday’s now. This is due  to other social media posts Darwin does during the week and my time issues.

Secondly, we officially launched our Etsy Store “Travel & Trail” which surprisingly has been a lot of work. We are selling a lot of old patches, pennants and jewelry. Eventually we will have some homemade pieces from the AT, AZT, CDT, and more. You can check it out at Travel&Trail. Darwin has launched a new venture with SpreadShirt. We decided to start out small with only a few designs but you can now purchase your very own Darwin Onthetrail T-shirt. WooHoo! You can visit this new venture by clicking this SpreadShirt link. I have also started a few freelance jobs which have slowly started to pay off. Very slowly….We thus are testing the waters for web-based income for life on the road. We will keep you posted on how this progresses…

Along with Travel&Trail and SpreadShirt we have started to turn some of our focus back on the website. Darwin has updated a few things as far as gear lists and we will soon be adding a few new gear reviews. We have felt our website needed some love, so love it shall receive. Keep an eye out for more changes and updates!

Darwin and I have also decided to de clutter our minds and time and cancelled both Netflix and Amazon Prime. As much as I hate to admit it I really enjoy coming home from the nine to five, plopping down on the couch and zoning out with a random show until I find myself in a puddle of drool two hours later still on the couch. This as you may have already thought, is a total waste of time. I have been completely unproductive knowing that Netflix is waiting for me. After a hectic day at work I never want to do much of anything. We thus got rid of temptation. Within the last week I feel so much better. My brain is clear and not zombified by all the crap I found myself watching.

We have also  started purging physical things. It always amazes me to see how much shit we can accumulate in a short amount of time. Even though we are very comfortable living out of a pack or the van, once we settled in the ABQ we started filling the empty spaces of our small apartment. Some would still see our place as empty as our only pieces of furniture are a small bookshelf, coffee table and couch but even these are starting to become too much. If we haven’t used it within a week we are donating or selling it.

Finally we have made a few adult decisions on how we are going to be traveling when leaving Albuquerque which will be announced soon. Some times what seems like a good idea isn’t a good idea after all.

hairy foot

(My Hairy Leg Doodle – Snuggles)

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