The Trees They Are a-Swayin

“It is fun to watch the trees sway. Almost like they are trying to touch each other. Back and forth, back and forth ever so slowly reaching out but their branches are never long enough to fully embrace. They long for each other, stretching to one another, trying with every push of the wind to touch more. I look up from my tent and watch them as the sun fades.”

Excerpt from a journal entry dated 4/17/13 during a backpacking trip in Red River Gorge in Kentucky. __________________________________________________________________________________________

We will be moving into the mini camper at the end of the week allowing me to watch the trees sway and reach for each other every night. Although things are changing for us trees no matter the species, usually remain the same. Strong and stable, rooted into the ground watching the world change around them. This thought has always helped me to feel grounded when my world is being up rooted in some way. Bob Dylan said it best “the times they are a-changin,” so I must hold on to a tree.

(Me Huggin Trees)

Things To Expect In Up Coming Blog Posts/Website Posts And Other Doings:

Macabi Outdoor Travel Skirt Review – Finally, It’s done!

Check Out Our Etsy Store TravelandTrail – Full of Fun Travel Finds!

Other Flashback and Or Pre/Post Appalachian Trail Posts:

My First Backpacking Trip

Flashback to Kansas: August 4, 2015

The Lost Vacation


4 thoughts on “The Trees They Are a-Swayin

  1. Pingback: The Stallion Gets Broken Into | Darwin Onthetrail

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