Where I Have Been

There’s been a lag in the Snuggle Diaries and here’s why:

In the last two weeks, I haven’t posted anything simply because my daily routine seems pretty much the same. Although always a relief and refreshing, I am running the same path in an effort to stay away from others as much as possible and hiking almost that exact same path that I run for the same reasons. Doing this has become more like a habit and not as inspiring as usual runs and hikes are to me.

I have not gone out on any new adventures due to shelter at home orders and of course social distancing which prevents me from engaging with my close hiking pals. At the end of May, I had a plane ticket to Indiana to visit friends and family and of course my beloved Bowie and this too has been canceled. As with everyone right now, trips are on hold for me which is another typical form of inspiration for diary posts.

What am I doing during my non-hiking and running time? Reading a lot! This means for you I will be discussing a few books related to hiking or travel that I have finished coming up soon. Also, I am lucky enough to say I have been working. My hours have been pretty wacky leaving me to sleep through posting a diary but as considered an essential worker having employment at a grocery store, I am very thankful for the job.

I refuse to post anything on my blog that I am feeling lackluster about and this is why I haven’t been posting. I am hopeful to get back to the groove when the world opens back up. Until then I may just post old journal entries as I find them or book reviews as I finish them. In the meantime, please continue to take care of yourself and check in with family and friends. If you go to the grocery, please also wear a mask and continue to social distance, for me, please.


(Bloomin Cacti) 

Other Stuff You Can Check Out During This Slower Paced Time:

My Book: Mini Misadventures

Instagram: The_snuggle_diaries  

Don’t Forget! I have over three years of blog posts! Check them all out on the main Snuggle Diary Page!!!!


4 thoughts on “Where I Have Been

  1. Yes! love the photo… but totally understand. Routine is nice until it is almost forced in a way…

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